
Political Fliers Inserted in Times, Leader Papers

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Dozens of political fliers were taped to Los Angeles Times and Burbank Leader newspaper racks and inserted inside some of the papers, officials said Saturday.

Times Community News, a Times Mirror Co. subsidiary that publishes the Burbank Leader and other local papers, filed a police report after an editor discovered the fliers which promote Ted McConkey, a candidate running for reelection to the Burbank City Council.

The Leader did not endorse McConkey for Tuesday’s election, said David Silva, a TCN editor. The fliers bear the name and phone number of Citizens United of Burbank, a group that opposes the proposed expansion of Burbank Airport.


The Times, also owned by Times Mirror, is distributed with the Leader in the Burbank area.

Burbank Police Sgt. Scott Wilson said authorities were not sure whether inserting the leaflets was a crime but planned to consult with the city attorney’s office Monday.

“At this point it’s not vandalism, because apparently nothing was damaged,” Wilson said.

Some of the fliers refer to TCN columnist Will Rogers, saying McConkey “may never be invited to Will Roger’s [sic] house for a barbecue . . . But at least he knows there are less decibals [sic] from a hamburger than an MD80.” Rogers has criticized the councilman in some columns, Silva said.

Citizens United of Burbank could not be reached for comment Saturday.
