
Other Options

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I am writing to convey to you my disgust about your publication’s irresponsible behavior and poor service to the community. In the Nov. 1 paper, you published a special report in the Valley edition called “Decision 98,” which you assert is a “voters’ handbook.” However, your paper only included articles about, and issue positions of, the Republican and Democratic candidates running for each office.

You know, there are others running for those offices. Your publication did not give those other candidates equal press, and your paper is doing a great disservice to our community. For people like myself who agree with neither the positions of Republicans nor Democrats and are registered otherwise (which, according to your own published numbers, would amount to 656,171 or 17.03% of registered voters in Los Angeles County alone), it would be nice to hear what the other options out there are, but you won’t allow that.

If your argument is the predictable, “Well, only a small percentage of the public is interested in the candidates of the third parties,” then that is partly your fault. If they could get free, fair and equal press, I’m positive they would gain a larger following.


Your reporting is irresponsible and is evidence that the Los Angeles Times does not report in the best interests of the public. Everyone seems to complain about our government and officials but that will not change as the major disseminators of information to the people (as yourselves) refuse to be fair and give all of the information the people require. Shame on you.


