
Scars From Laguna Fire Still Fresh : The Hardens: Couple saved their home but lost their way of life.

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The rooftop is a special retreat for Laurel and Michael Harden.

A year ago, the Hardens--armed with garden hoses--waged their last stand there against the wild blaze that showered their Emerald Bay home with burning embers.

“It never occurred to us that we had any danger. We had three hoses, water pressure and a way out on the Pacific Coast Highway. And we had each other,” recalled Laurel Harden, 43. “And we had that sureness that comes from adrenaline.”

Despite the entreaties of firefighters, the couple stayed on the roof and saved their home. But they couldn’t save their way of life.


“The old routine didn’t come back,” said Laurel Harden. “It came back as far as you go to work and the market. But you drive by homes that still are not completed and the people that live in the houses are friends. . . . “

“The odd part is that you never feel as confident about leaving home. Because there were people who couldn’t get back to their houses. If I see smoke on a hillside, the first instinct is to go home.”

The Harden family has debated how to mark the anniversary of the fire. Perhaps they will attend the Emerald Bay reunion of survivors. Or perhaps they’ll simply retreat.
