
Ahmanson Is Bad Deal

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Anyone trying to sell a house or rent commercial space knows how desperate the market is. Enough is enough. Lets fix what we have before adding to the glut.

You don’t see them bulldozing the French countryside outside of Paris, do you? The Ahmanson property is the last remaining oak savanna of its size in Southern California. If this project is so environmentally sound and self-contained, then put it out in the boondocks somewhere.

The reality is that it is not. It will sap our schools and police and fire protection and bring the San Fernando Valley to Agoura. So much for the “good life.”


The newspapers say Ventura County residents are in favor of this development because the pollution and traffic will be dumped on Los Angeles County. I don’t think Ventura County residents are that self-centered or naive. Maybe some think the massive up-zoning is OK because it is tied to a parkland purchase.

Yet, examined closely, this parkland purchase is not a good deal. Given the cumulative effects of pollution, some of the purchased “parkland” will be wasteland no one will want to walk through.


