
Polls Add Up to Bad News for Bush

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Associated Press

A new poll shows President Bush and Democratic challenger Bill Clinton running dead even in Indiana, where no Democrat has won the state’s presidential race since 1964.

In Delaware, which has not given its three electoral votes to a Democrat since 1976, Clinton leads by 14 percentage points in a new poll. And in an Ohio poll, Clinton leads Bush by 8 points.

Another survey shows that Illinois voters continued to give Clinton the 19-point lead he had over Bush in an Aug. 30 poll.


The poll published Sunday in the Chicago Tribune gave Clinton 51% to Bush’s 32%, with 16% undecided.

The Ft. Wayne, Ind., Journal-Gazette poll, published Sunday, showed Clinton and Bush each supported by 39.7% of Indianans, with 13.3% undecided. Nearly 4% said they favor Ross Perot; 3.5% said they support other candidates.

In Delaware, respondents to the poll published Sunday by the Wilmington News Journal chose Clinton over Bush 45% to 31%, with 10% favoring Perot. The rest were undecided or would not tell a preference.


And in Ohio, the Akron Beacon Journal/University of Akron survey released Sunday showed 43% supporting Clinton, 35% backing Bush and 22% undecided.
