
Family Values and Republicans

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So Dan Quayle is now calling Candice Bergen and Diane English liars (Sept. 1)? Distorting the truth? I think Quayle better get off his soapbox and start looking at society as it really is today. He and George Bush want American families to be like “The Waltons.” It just isn’t like that anymore. This is 1992, not 1932. Times change and so do people.

If Quayle and Bush would stop sticking their feet in their mouths and start talking about the real issues at hand, people would start to listen. I really don’t think people are interested in a fictitious TV character and whether or not she has a child out of wedlock. (For God’s sake, she slept with her ex-husband, not 50 other men!)

What people want to know is what Bush and Quayle are going to do to get our economy back on track. The Republicans are using the family value issue as a smoke screen for not dealing with the problems at hand. I hope Bush and Quayle have their bags packed. Come January, someone else is moving in the White House. “Good night, John-boy.”



