
CATS: The American Cat Assn. and the...

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CATS: The American Cat Assn. and the California State Humane Officers Inc. will co-sponsor a “Help Save Them” fund-raiser and cat competition today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Glendale National Guard Armory, 220 E. Colorado Ave. Proceeds go to the Miami-Homestead Pet Shelters, destroyed by Hurricane Andrew.

EFFECTS OF CUTS: Trustees for Long Beach City College are expected to approve dates for trustee elections and review the effects of state budget cuts on fees, programs and services, Tuesday, 5 p.m.; Gokstad Room, 4901 E. Carson St. Long Beach.

QUEEN MARY: The Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners is expected to narrow down the number of proposals to buy or operate the Queen Mary ocean liner at its meeting beginning 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday; Port Administration Building, 925 Harbor Plaza, Long Beach.
