Senate: 19th District
Questionnaires were distributed to candidates in March. Answers have been edited to fit the available space.
Candidates Henry Phillip Starr, a Democrat; Richard N. Burns, a Libertarian, and Charles Najbergier, Peace and Freedom party, are unopposed in the June 2 primary. Their answers to The Times questionnaire will appear before the November general election, along with those of the winner of the Republican primary. There are three Republican candidates: Fillmore City Councilman Roger Campbell, Assemblywoman Cathie Wright and former Assemblywoman Marian La Follette.
Q: Do you believe businesses are leaving California due to a hostile business environment? If yes, how would you make California more attractive to business?
Campbell: Yes. Elimination of needless regulations. Overhaul workers’ compensation insurance. Streamline and centralize reporting process to government agencies. Give tax credits to encourage business expansion and tax credits for new businesses.
La Follette: Yes. A better tax environment. Eliminate those taxes that make California less competitive than its neighboring states. Improve workers’ compensation system. Simplify environmental steps (not environmental standards) so that a business can go to one place to get environmental requirements approved. Stop the frivolous lawsuits that are driving businesses out of California.
Wright: Yes. Reform workers’ compensation. Reduce and consolidate regulations so businesses can survive and yet protect the environment. Tax reductions or incentives where appropriate.
Government Contracts
Q: Do you think state government contracts should be awarded on a “Buy American” basis, with winning bidders being those who promise to use specific percentages of American workers to produce goods and services?
Campbell: Yes. State monies should always be used in the best possible way to improve our own economy so the job needs of our own citizens are first and foremost.
La Follette: No. With fair competition, California firms can be as competitive as any in the world. We don’t need special favors.
Wright: No. While I would promote American, I would not mandate because part of our economy and jobs are based on exports so we really cannot just advertise or mandate American only.
Q: Do you support requiring California businesses to provide health insurance to employees or contribute to a fund to provide health care for the uninsured? Campbell: No. A system should be created whereby health care would be made affordable so that businesses could afford to provide that benefit to their employees. At the present time, it is too costly for small businesses to be forced to provide health care.
La Follette: No. To require businesses to provide health insurance, the “pay or play” system, will just discourage businesses from employing more people. Because no company can provide health insurance at the 7% rate the government is talking about, it will soon turn into a socialized medicine system.
Wright: No. We have to first reduce the cost. That means tort reform, restriction on liability and control excessive utilization. Then, with affordability, employers will provide (insurance) in a competitive market.
Q: Do you support state Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi’s proposed $34-billion plan, financed by a state payroll tax, for health care for California workers, people with pre-existing medical conditions and the unemployed? Campbell: No. On the surface it sounds OK, but no government agency stops where it starts. It would continue to grow and become so costly that it would end up costing people their jobs.
La Follette: No. California cannot survive if we are the only state that provides comprehensive medical care.
Wright: No. The cost of the “super” insurance program begins at $34 billion and rises upward and the administration of the program would be astronomical.
Q: Do you support a national health-care system in which the federal government would establish fees, pay all the bills and collect taxes to cover the cost? Campbell: No. I will support no new taxes. With my proposal on health care, there would be no need for a national health-care system.
La Follette: No. I support a national health system if: That system accepts all, regardless of pre-existing condition. It covers hospitalized care, hospice care and convalescent care. What the government should do is select health-care providers that are the most cost-effective and cover the conditions above for each area. Special assistance would be provided for those unable to pay. People will be able to buy health-care services from those providers at a reasonable cost or from their own care provider.
Wright: No. Should we just send our entire paycheck to the government?
Q: Should state and federal air quality rules be eased to reduce the financial burdens on California industry?
Campbell: Yes. All rules should be judged on a cost versus benefit basis.
La Follette: The currently proposed system of pollution credits properly worked out is part of the answer.
Wright: Yes. I believe we can protect the environment and still provide a cost-effective program.
Q: Barring a national emergency, would you ever support opening up more of the California coastline to oil exploration? If so, under what circumstances? Campbell: Yes. Opening up offshore oil drilling would be good for California’s economy and create many jobs. Offshore drilling has been proven safer than transporting oil from Alaska by tanker.
La Follette: Yes. We do not know what the international situation will be in years to come. We must leave the possibility of oil drilling open if the international system changes.
Wright: I believe the time will come when Californians will need to decide if they wish to reduce their demand for oil or risk oil spills from freighters and accidents along the coast as we import more oil to meet demand.
Q: Do you support giving state money to parents to allow them to enroll their children in schools of their choice, public or private? Campbell: Yes. Competition breeds excellence. However, we must put public and private schools on a level playing field by deregulating the public school system. We must return control of our schools to local school boards.
La Follette: Yes.
Wright: This can never be an easy yes or no reply. The most important issue should be equal education for all children with no barriers to learning.
Q: Should tuition at state universities and colleges be increased to help offset state budget deficits? Campbell: No. Higher education is almost out of reach to the middle American family. There are other ways to reduce the deficits, for example, by stopping welfare fraud.
La Follette: The increase in tuition is not to offset the state budget deficit, but to cover increasing university costs to maintain current programs.
Wright: This question is not worded accurately. The increased demand for higher education requires not only increased faculty, but also more infrastructure. Therefore, this leads to added costs of an already stressed general fund.
Q: Do you support the breakup of the Los Angeles school district into smaller districts? Campbell: Yes. I support smaller government because it is more responsive to local needs and concerns.
La Follette: Small districts are more accountable to parents and taxpayers and more responsive to special needs of directors and teachers.
Wright: Yes. In 1980, I fought for $250,000 to implement a study; when the state Department of Education ignored the requirement, I again demanded that this year the funding be granted on behalf of Assemblywoman Paula Boland.
Q: Do you support reducing the votes needed to pass a school construction bond issue from two-thirds to a simple majority? Campbell: Yes. A two-thirds majority vote system allows a minority vote to overrule the majority.
La Follette: No.
Wright: No. This would be a violation of Proposition 13.
Q: Do you support capital punishment for any crimes? If so, which ones?
Campbell: Yes. Murder, rape, repeat drug dealers convicted for the third time, arson that results in death and kidnaping with bodily harm.
La Follette: Yes. For murder and drug kingpins.
Wright: Yes. Taking a life under and conditions and for heinous crimes.
Q: Do you support any form of limit on the sales of guns to individuals? Campbell: Yes. I support present California law.
La Follette: Fifteen-day waiting period for purchase of a handgun.
Wright: Such limits as: either take a course to learn more about the firearm, or the individual already demonstrates respect and knowledge about the firearm.
Q: Do you support making it a crime for a police officer to fail to intervene if he or she witnesses a fellow officer using excessive force against someone?
Campbell: Yes. This would provide a good check and balance system to protect both citizens and officers.
La Follette: No. It is too subjective to make it a law.
Wright: No. I believe each police department has or should have their own regulations and procedures in place. I do not believe that as an outsider who would not be at the scene of a crime, a law should dictate the appropriate action of a trained police officer.
Q: Should political campaigns be taxpayer-funded to reduce the importance of special-interest money? Campbell: Yes. This will allow for an even contest between candidates. There should be limits set to campaign expenses. This fund would give an equal opportunity to all candidates.
La Follette: No. Even though my major opponent is funded almost exclusively by special-interest money. I still think there are more important things to spend our tax dollars on.
Wright: No. Just look at this year’s budget dilemma. Would you want these elections all supported by tax dollars in addition to the overburdened deficit?
Q: Are you willing to make public your state and federal income tax returns for the last five years at least two weeks before the June 2 primary election?
Campbell: Yes, but only if my opponents were to also make public their income tax returns.
La Follette: Yes.
Wright: No.
Q: In general, do you think affirmative action in employment of women and members of minority groups has not gone far enough, or has gone too far, or is about right? Campbell: I believe people should be hired based on merit. Affirmative action when first started was a positive step for women and minorities. All labels should be eliminated and we should look to the qualifications of the employee.
La Follette: We are making positive advances in the recognition and employment of women and minorities, but we must eliminate the “glass ceilings” that keep them from reaching their full employment potential. However, I oppose quotas.
Wright: It has gone too far when one has to reach a numerical goal rather than hire on the basis of the requirements of the job.
Q: Do you support a woman’s unrestricted right to an abortion within the first three months of pregnancy? Campbell: No.
La Follette: No.
Wright: As a legislator, I support the law.
Q: Do you support state funding of abortions for women who cannot afford them? Campbell: No.
La Follette: No.
Wright: No.
Q: Do you support requiring minors to notify their parents or a judge before having an abortion? Campbell: Yes. This is too important of a decision to be left in the hands of a child.
La Follette: Yes.
Wright: Yes. If a minor must receive parental consent to take an aspirin at school, why not a surgical procedure?
Q: Do you support the adoption of new measures such as increased border patrols and physical barriers to try to stem the flow of illegal immigration from the south? Campbell: Yes.
La Follette: Yes.
Wright: Yes. But we should also help Mexico to support their population’s economy because it is to our advantage.
Q: Do you support the so-called “right-to-die” initiative on the November ballot that would allow doctors to end the lives of people who are terminally ill in a “painless, humane and dignified” manner? Campbell: Yes. People should be allowed to die with dignity.
La Follette: My husband died recently of cancer. I am not prepared yet to answer the question.
Wright: There are three issues here, the patient, the family and their religious beliefs.
Q: Do you support Gov. Pete Wilson’s proposal to reduce welfare benefits for a family of three by 10% immediately, to $597 a month, and by another 15% for families with able-bodied adults who were not working?
Campbell: No. This is a short-term solution to a long-term problem. The welfare system needs a complete overhaul.
La Follette: Yes. California has become a magnet for welfare recipients and we must encourage people on welfare to become employed to break the vicious cycle.
Wright: Yes. We as a state cannot continue to pay more than any other state with the exception of Alaska. We have many good programs that can help these people to work and restore their dignity and independence.
Q: Should businesses be required to subsidize child care for employees? Campbell: No. Tax credits should be given to parents.
La Follette: No. I recommend and encourage joint ventures among state, local and private enterprise to develop new child-care facilities. The California Child Care Initiative, which I authored, has provided more than 10,000 new child-care spaces as a result of such a venture. Additionally, I support tax credit as an incentive for providing child care.
Wright: No. That should be a business decision in maintaining a good relationship with their employees.
Q: Do you support any change in the laws enacted by voters in 1978 as Proposition 13? Campbell: No. We voted for Proposition 13 to send a clear message that government spending was out of control. I support no new taxes.
La Follette: No.
Wright: No.
Q:. President Bush has urged that production of the B-2 bomber--which is assembled at a Palmdale plant--be cut from 75 to 25. Do you support this reduction? Campbell: I support reducing government defense spending. However, we must fund new areas for defense workers to use their skills.
La Follette: No. The Persian Gulf War taught us the kind of bomber like the B-2 will be essential in future conflicts.
Wright: No. Too severe. Some cuts, maybe, but we cannot just reduce our strength in the world and still expect to maintain the peace. Look at Desert Storm. It’s still a very uncertain world.
Q: What make and model car(s) do you drive? Campbell: 1986 Buick, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda, 1964 T-Bird, 1964 Chevy truck, 1962 Ford Ranchero and, occasionally a 1926 American La France firetruck, fully restored.
La Follette: 1991 Jeep. 1984 Ford.
Wright: 1991 Chrysler LeBaron.
Q: Who do you think more likely told the truth, Anita Hill or Clarence Thomas?
Campbell: I honestly don’t know. However, I find it rather strange that Anita Hill did not come forward sooner.
La Follette: Clarence Thomas.
Wright: Clarence Thomas, but we will never know the whole truth.
Q: Would you be comfortable opening your life history to the kind of scrutiny now regularly given to presidential candidates? Campbell: Yes. My father always taught me never tell a lie and you’ll never have to remember what you said. I believe the same marriage vows I made 20 years ago and still value the sanctity of marriage.
La Follette: Not answered.
Wright: I don’t believe that my life has not had total scrutiny as an elected official.
Q: What single change would most improve life in Southern California? Campbell: Getting tough on criminals and making our cities and neighborhoods safe again. We can do this by giving gang members maximum sentences when convicted of crimes.
La Follette: More jobs. Jobs are not only the basis of our state’s prosperity, but a basis to strong and secure families.
Wright: Improved transportation and job retainment.
Q: What public figure do you most admire? Campbell: Ronald Reagan in his first years of office.
La Follette: Jean Kirkpatrick and Ronald Reagan.
Wright: Ronald Reagan.
Q: What, if any, book have you recently read that influenced your view of public policy? Campbell: None.
La Follette: “Winning the Brain Race” by David T. Kearns and Dennis P. Doyle.
Wright: With approximately 3,500 bills going through the Legislature and all the correspondence I receive, I don’t have time for just reading. But I have listened to the tape of Jill Ireland’s life through her eyes.
Q: What, if any, restrictions do you believe should be placed on freedom of speech? Campbell: Pornography should not be sold or distributed within 2,000 feet of any school or church. Prayer should be allowed back into the public school system.
La Follette: Child pornography.
Wright: Just be sure it is the truth with verification and distinguish it from a personal opinion.
Roger Campbell, 41, lives in Fillmore, where he is a member of the City Council. Elected in 1984, he served as mayor of that city in 1986-87. Campbell owns an auto repair business and is a 19-year veteran of the Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department, of which he serves as assistant chief.
Marian W. La Follette, 65, of Newbury Park, retired as the assemblywoman in the San Fernando Valley’s 38th District in 1990, after serving 10 years in that office. A former Northridge resident, she served for six years on the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees.
Cathie Wright, 62, of Simi Valley, has represented the 37th Assembly District in Sacramento since 1980. Among others, she is a member of the Assembly Rules and Ways and Means committees. In 1979, Wright served as mayor of Simi Valley, where she also was a city councilwoman.
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