
Tips4theTrip: Canyon of the cameras

Guide Raymond Chee stands at Upper Antelope Canyon, Ariz., on a cloudy day. Photo taken in 2013.

Guide Raymond Chee stands at Upper Antelope Canyon, Ariz., on a cloudy day. Photo taken in 2013.

(Christopher Reynolds / Los Angeles Times)

Antelope Canyon, in Arizona’s Navajo territory just south of the Utah border, is slot canyon country. Adventurers and photographers hire Navajo guides to climb with them into these undulating crevices of red rock, sculpted by wind and water over centuries.

These are highly dangerous places when rain falls — the canyons fill with water in a flash — but most of the year they’re so calm it’s spooky. Photographers love to experiment inside, using heavy tripods and long exposures to capture shafts of light and the textured walls.

This photo shows guide Raymond Chee (in a Camaro shirt), who understood the workings of my camera at least as well as I did and steered me to several prime spots. For more information on guided tours of this canyon country, which is part of Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park, check this collection of articles or the park website.


I’m building this gallery from new and old adventures in the West and the world beyond. You can always count on travel to teach you something -- but what? Travel is the substitute teacher who didn’t get the lesson plan, the adjunct lecturer who goes off on tangents. As the philosopher Forrest Gump said, you never know what you’re going to get.

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Twitter: @mrcsreynolds


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