
Santa Monica combines all weekend farmers markets into one big Saturday market

All weekend farmers markets in Santa Monica will be consolidated into a single Saturday market for the duration of the shelter-in-place restrictions.

The new combined market, announced Tuesday, will operate out of the existing downtown farmers market location starting Saturday. It will include the Saturday Pico farmers market at Virginia Park, the regular Saturday downtown farmers market and the Sunday Main Street farmers market.

The Wednesday downtown farmers market will continue to operate normally.

Managers say they’re adding more social distancing measures to ensure safe shopping amid coronavirus outbreak.

“We know so many of our community relies on our outdoor markets for their groceries,” Rick Cole, Santa Monica city manager and emergency operations director, said in a statement. “Consolidating our weekend markets into one weekend market, we are able to focus our resources to best serve customers.”
Shoppers will be able to enter the market on 2nd Street or Arizona Avenue at 3rd Court.

Gov. Newsom has issued a stay-at-home order and all nonessential businesses are closed due to the coronavirus outbreak. So what does it look like outside — from above?

All customers and vendors will be required to wear protective face coverings and practice social distancing. Other guidelines include a request to stay home if ill and to coordinate with neighbors to send one person to shop for larger groups.


The city is also requesting that everyone limit their shopping times to 30 minutes.
