“It’s a shame that his life ended at 18 years old,” said Carlena Hall, center, a great-aunt of Carnell Snell Jr., who was fatally shot by LAPD police in South L.A. At left is Tranell Snell, 17, Snell’s sister, and at right is Debbie Washington, his aunt.
(Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times)
Marian Petersen, 71, whose last protest was in the 1965 Watts riots, marches down Central Avenue to the LAPD’s Newton Division station after officers shot a Latino boy Sunday night.
(Allen J.Schaben / Los Angeles TImes)
Protestors march down Central Ave. to LAPD Newton Division to protest officers shooting a Latino man Sunday night. Protestors started at the site where police fatally shot a man Sunday in South Los Angeles.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
A protester holds a sign in front of the LAPD Newton Divison station on Monday night. Protesters started their march at the site where police fatally shot a Latino man Sunday in South Los Angeles.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
Carl Winzer lights candles at the scene where 18-year-old Carnell Snell Jr. was fatally shot by Los Angeles police officers.
(Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times)
“I literally watched my brother catch his last breath,” said Tranell Snell, 17, the sister of Carnell Snell Jr. “I literally watched him, begging him to stay alive for me. Please, please, I begged my brother. Please! They let my brother sit there, sit there and die. They did not care.”
(Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times)
Mike Miller sits amid dozens of candles that mark the house where 18-year-old Carnell Snell Jr. was fatally shot by Los Angeles police officers on Saturday.
(Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times)
Jamari Brown, 13, holds a sign with other protesters at the site where a Latino man was fatally shot by officers Sunday night near 48th Street and Ascot Avenue.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
LAPD officers arrest a protester in the lobby of the police headquarters on suspicion of failure to disperse after Chief Charlie Beck gave details to the media about the shooting death of Carnell Snell Jr.
(Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
LAPD Chief Charlie Beck speaks at a press conference addressing two recent officer-involved shootings in Los Angeles.
(Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times)
Protesters shout at police officers inside the lobby of LAPD headquarters while Police Chief Charlie Beck provides details about the officer-involved shooting death of Carnell Snell Jr.
(Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Protesters shout out their messege inside the lobby of LAPD headquarters after Police Chief Charlie Beck gave details to the media about the officer-involved shooting death of Carnell Snell Jr.
(Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
LAPD officers move media and protesters away from the lobby of police headquarters after three protesters were arrested on suspicion of failure to disperse following a morning press conference.
(Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
The Los Angeles Police Department disperses the crowd along 107th Street in Los Angeles. Four activists were arrested by LAPD.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
An activist is arrested by LAPD Sunday night after police gave orders to leave the area along 107th Street.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Police officers talk with family members and residents along 107th Street, while dispersing the crowd along Western Avenue and 107th Street in South Los Angeles.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
An activist is arrested by LAPD after they gave orders to clear the area along 107th Street. Protesters were rallying after police shot an 18-year-old in South L.A.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Police disperse the crowd along Western Avenue and 107th Street in Los Angeles, Calif., on Sunday night. Four activists were arrested by LAPD.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Los Angeles police disperse the crowd along Western Avenue and 107th Street in South Los Angeles.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
LAPD disperse the crowd blocking Western Avenue after a vigil is held for Carnell Snell Jr., 18, who was fatally shot by police Saturday after a vehicle pursuit, in Los Angeles.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
A women confronts the LA County Sheriif blocking the street after a vigil is held for Carnell Snell Jr., 18, who was fatally shot by LAPD police Saturday after a vehicle pursuit, in Los Angeles.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Jeromy Jackson lights candles at a vigil for his friend Carnell Snell Jr., 18, who was fatally shot by LAPD police Saturday after a vehicle pursuit.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s officials monitor protesters at 108th Street and Western Avenue after a vigil was held for Carnell Snell Jr. on Sunday.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
A young woman leaves blue and white balloons at a sidewalk memorial to Carnell Snell Jr. on Sunday afternoon.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)
Neighbors brace a distraught Monique Morgan as she visits the scene where her son, Carnell Snell, 18, was fatally shot by police. (Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times )
Monique Morgan, the mother of Carnell Snell, is comforted by a neighbor as they look at a makeshift memorial for Morgan’s son.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)
Bullet holes mark a steel gate at a residence along 107th Street in South Los Angeles, the scene of an officer-involved shooting on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016. Police shot and killed Carnell Snell Jr., 18, after a brief car chase that ended near the intersection of 107th Street and Western Avenue in South Los Angeles.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)
Monique Morgan, in blue shirt, pleads with Los Angeles police to let her see her son, Carnell “CJ” Snell Jr. Police fatally shot the 18-year-old man in South L.A. on Saturday, authorities say. (Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times)
A protestor holds up a sign in South Los Angeles after an officer-involved shooting.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
A crowd gathers at Western Avenue, where they voiced their frustration with police.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Police line up along Western Avenue in Los Angeles after the shooting.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)
Los Angeles police try to keep the peace.
(Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times)
LOS ÁNGELES/AP — La policía de Los Ángeles dio a conocer el martes un video de seguridad que muestra a un hombre con lo que parece ser una pistola en la mano momentos antes de ser baleado el sábado por agentes, un incidente que ha generado amplias protestas.
El video colocado en el canal del departamento policía en YouTube muestra a un hombre en pantalones grises y una sudadera azul con capucha agachado tras un vehículo y sacando una pistola de su pretina. Seguidamente regresa el arma a la pretina y se echa a correr, con los agentes persiguiéndole.
La policía dijo que el video corrobora al recuento ofrecido el lunes por el jefe de policía Charlie Beck sobre la muerte a tiros el 1 de octubre de Carnell Snell, un joven negro de 18 años. Beck dijo que Snell tenía una pistola cargada en la mano y se volteó hacia los policías, lo que hizo que éstos dispararan. Manifestantes habían demandado la publicación de video.
“Aunque el Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles tiene una práctica establecida de no mostrar evidencia en video mientras duran las investigaciones administrativas y penales, el jefe ejerció su discreción para publicar el video en interés de la seguridad pública”, dijo la policía en una declaración dada a conocer al mismo tiempo que el video.
El video fue dado a conocer en momentos en que el movimiento Black Lives Matter (Las vidas de los negros importan) preparaba una protesta en una reunión de la Comisión de Policía de Los Ángeles sobre la muerte de Snell.
Los policías trataron de parar el auto en el que iba el joven el sábado porque tenía una matrícula de papel que no correspondía con el año del vehículo: un posible indicio de coche robado y que es visto usualmente en tiroteos desde autos en marcha, dijo Beck.
Snell, que estada sentado en la parte trasera, miró a los policías y entonces bajó la cabeza, “como para esconderse de ellos”, dijo Beck.
Cuando los agentes trataron de detener el coche, Snell salió agarrándose la pretina y se echó a correr, dijo.
Luego de una persecución de varios centenares de metros, dijo Beck, Snell sacó una pistola de su pretina y se volteó hacia los agentes, lo que motivó que éstos dispararan.
Snell murió en el lugar y la policía encontró una pistola semiautomática completamente cargada y con una bala en la recámara cerca del cuerpo de Snell, dijo Beck. El jefe policial añadió que el arma no había sido disparada.
Beck no dijo si uno o más policías dispararon contra Snell, lo cerca que estaban de éste ni si el coche era robado.
Los policías no llevaban cámaras corporales, pero un video de seguridad de un negocio muestra claramente que Snell estaba armado, dijo Beck.
El incidente ocurrió en un barrio en el que 450 personas han sido baleadas este año, lo que le hace el peor en la ciudad en violencia con armas de fuego, agregó.
En otro incidente, un hispano fue baleado cuando apuntó una réplica de pistola a un policía en otra área de alta criminalidad en la ciudad. El hombre no ha sido identificado.
Los incidentes se produjeron en medio de grandes tensiones sobre acciones policiales relacionadas con negros y otras minorías en Estados Unidos.