
Reissuing a Muscle Car Won’t Strengthen GM

Regarding “GM Putting Flex in Muscle Car,” Aug. 11:

My sadness at the inevitable demise of our domestic automobile industry -- whether because of acquisition by foreign buyers, relocation of manufacturing facilities overseas or outright bankruptcy -- is mitigated only by my continual astonishment at its leaders.

That General Motors Corp. Chief Executive Rick Wagoner could believe that reissuing the Camaro, supposed muscle car of days of yore, will in any way help GM’s bottom line is absurd.

That he believes gas will cost only $4 a gallon in 2009 when the Camaro finally appears is proof that he is out of touch.


Toyota Motor Corp. started developing the Prius hybrid well more than a decade ago. GM is still pushing the look-good image of muscle cars. What more needs to be said?

Chuck Almdale

Santa Monica
