
Good Intentions and Broken Dishwashers

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Re “College Prep Idea Approved in L.A.,” June 15: Now that every Los Angeles Unified School District graduate will be taking college-level courses and going to college, who will be available to repair your automobile, fix your dishwasher, install your 50-inch plasma TV, unplug your kitchen sink, etc.?

Students who recognize this oversight are going to make a lot of money taking care of the people who went to college but can’t find anything more than entry-level jobs and internships in this rotten economy. Way to go, LAUSD!

Abe Hoffman

Canoga Park


“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” most aptly applies to the LAUSD’s approval of mandatory college preparation classes for all students. All students should have the opportunity to enroll in these classes, but all students should not be required to take them.


Because more emphasis is placed on students taking these classes, many schools have cut back or eliminated fine arts and vocational classes. The approval of mandatory college prep classes will hurt the very students the district is trying to help. Students who do not want to go to college should have other options that we are no longer offering.

When California was a model for other states, high schools offered college prep, commercial and vocational courses for students with different abilities. The community college was and still is there for students to get whatever they need to pursue a different goal.

Estelle Waslosky

