
Intelligence Legislation May Not Be Smart

Re “Intelligence Reform Held Hostage” by Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), Commentary, Dec. 2: Sept. 11 legislation without immigration reform is meaningless. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon) and Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) are heroes for forcing the Senate and House to actually read what Harman is rushing to enact. Don’t be fooled into believing Harman that immigration reform will be addressed later. She and other liberals will do their best to derail any meaningful restrictions on trespassers entering our borders. Instead, listen to the 9/11 families whose family members were killed by terrorists using driver’s licenses obtained through our liberal loopholed lack of law enforcement. Keep border security and identification reforms in the 9/11 law.

Richard Lavallee



I can’t help but wonder how adding another layer of bureaucracy to the intelligence community that failed to read the warning signs in the months prior to 9/11 as well as the information on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction properly is supposed to make the country any safer. The money that would be needed to implement this intelligence reform could be used to upgrade security at our harbors and ports, where it’s needed.

Les May

