
Electric Cars

In the give and take about electric cars (“A Clean California Needs Electric Cars” and “But Is There Even a Market for Them?” Commentary, Jan. 25), two questions came to me:

Why is not a portion of the huge state surplus set aside as an incentive fund for the purchase of electric vehicles, with an additional sum for a proactive program to form buyer groups? (An incentive can be a low-interest loan, credit, rebate, buyback, co-purchase and co-ownership.)

How can anyone propose a “fair market test” on the assumption that market forces alone brought the major auto makers to where they are today? (In other words, who would deny that the auto makers have manipulated the marketplace?)



Los Angeles


Kudos to Times environmental writer Gary Polakovic for his Jan. 26 article on the green light for electric cars turned on by the California Air Resources Board. Prediction: 10 years from now the auto manufacturers they are dragging kicking and screaming to accept this technology will be running ads touting their electric and fuel-cell technologies that they “invented.” Their same delaying tactics were used in practically every safety feature now standard on all cars, including seat belts, shoulder harnesses and safer tires. A smog-free, fossil fuel-free environment is within our grasp. It’s time for the Luddites to step aside and allow it to happen.


