
Complaints Over Gas Prices

* Everyone seems to be complaining lately about the rising gas prices, even though the U.S. still pays much less per gallon of gas than countries throughout Europe and even Japan. Yet, the sales of SUVs continue to increase despite the pitiful gas mileage which they generally offer.

Until Americans begin to realize that our natural resources are not unlimited, they can expect to pay increasingly more and more at the gas pumps. So, while you SUV owners spend a couple of bucks to drive a few blocks for your groceries, I’ll get into my compact car and smile as I pass you at the pumps.


Los Angeles


I can’t understand why such a fuss over gas prices. Isn’t this a free market country? Aren’t manufacturers entitled to set prices for their products without government intervention? Will the government set the “fair” price of pantyhose? Communist governments set prices, democracies should not.


You feel gas prices are too high? Just stop buying it. Will you lose your job by staying home or by showing up at your place of work too late? Damn right you will, but such are free market risks. Once demand declines, prices will come down and our free market will not be jeopardized.




I wanted to express my sincere sympathy to those citizens who won’t be able to go on their family vacations this summer because gas prices have topped $2 a gallon. Might I suggest that the real problem lies in their choice of transportation--a Ford Explorer that gets 16 mpg. Unless that “poor” mother (June 24) wants to see her children grow up with asthma as they do in L.A., I suggest she get with the times and stop complaining about the environmental laws that are meant to protect her. Instead she should travel in a smaller, fuel-efficient car.


El Monte


A gallon of gas in the Midwest for $2.50? Which companies are hiking the prices? Have they targeted specific cities that go Democrat in elections? (Chicago has been particularly hard-hit.) Are the big oil companies trying to manipulate the outcome of our presidential election? Is this a “silent” campaign donation to George W.?



Woodland Hills


Residents of California should realize that our elected representatives care little about the problems that plague us. While California toiled with the highest gasoline prices in the nation, despite having refineries, oil pipelines and even oil wells, nary a peep was heard. Now, these same representatives are up in arms when a few Midwestern states experience the same type of gasoline price gouging.


