
Misapplied Values Block Embryo Research

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Jack Heilpern is a retired certified public accountant who lives in Laguna Hills

A Parkinson’s disease group calling on Congress to lift the embryo research ban is expected to be joined by a similar call from the American Cancer Society. However, it comes as no surprise that they will not be joined by the Alzheimer’s Assn., a Chicago-based organization.

The loss of memory, cognitive ability and ability of the body to function manifest in Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the atrophy of brain cells at a rapid rate. Two FDA-approved medications do little to help, as they cannot revive a dead brain cell.

The genetic research we read about constantly is several generations away from being a viable deterrent to Alzheimer’s. Only a single avenue exists that may serve as a possible end to Alzheimer’s, and that is transplantation of fetal brain cells to the brain of the victim. With fresh cells, the victim can relearn all that was forgotten. Just look at how much a toddler has learned in a relatively short existence.


Literature of the Alzheimer’s Assn. specifically opposes use of tissue from elective abortions because their main concern is the anti-abortion movement, and helping Alzheimer’s victims is secondary. Tissue from spontaneous abortions has the risks of infection, contamination or chromosomal abnormalities.

I have written two letters questioning this policy to the CEO of the Alzheimer’s Assn. Both have gone unanswered. Similarly, questions to members of the Alzheimer’s Assn. aren’t answered. They don’t know the answers; they promise to call me with the answers, but they never do.

Why am I so concerned? Because my once-brilliant wife, a former special-education teacher and my best friend, now can speak only a few words, can walk only if she is held and requires help while eating. To whatever extent a hereditary factor exists with this disease, I have concern that my two sons may develop it.


I cannot believe that individuals who consider themselves “pro-life” would care so little about the quality of life of their fellow human beings suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, cancer and so many other diseases. There are more than enough fetuses to go around.

No one will have an abortion just to provide a fetus for another specific person, and this easily can be controlled by prohibiting the naming of a benefactor. Fetuses that could be helping other humans are going to waste because of the tunnel vision of the religious right and Congress in their joint lack of concern and disregard for the needs of our afflicted population.

To friends and family of those afflicted: urge the Alzheimer’s Assn. to change their policy, and promise to lobby Congress to change its policy of banning embryo research. And if your representative or senator does not vote to lift the ban, vote that person out of office. This is not a trivial issue. The quality of life of your loved one is at stake.
