
Auto Mechanics

club tow n. car towed to repair facility by the Automobile Club of Southern California.


external a.c. n. car riddled with bullet holes, as from a drive-by shooting.


gold mine n. customer who lives in an expensive neighborhood, or looks it. “Gold mine headed this way--could be a $700 lube job.”


mutt n. “mixed-breed” car; a Mercedes body with a Honda engine.


smog hog n. car that fails its smog test.


tune-out v. steal a car’s audio system. “They tuned-out that Beemer’s CD player and JBLs.”


V.D. abbr. Vehicle Diagnostic--a complete check of the car.


V.S. abbr. Vacation Spin. Test drive a car on the Pacific Coast Highway, perhaps stopping at the beach.


yak attack n. car damaged in an accident caused by the driver talking on a cellular phone.
