
Fond Memories of the Valley

* Six years ago, I moved to Sonoma County with my husband and our two daughters. We have met many Los Angeles and Valley transplants who love to bash the area. With pride, I always defend my old neighborhood. I grew up on Candy Cane Lane in the ‘50s and ‘60s.

That “kindly silver-haired grandmother” featured in your Dec. 2 piece, “A Warm Glow,” is my mom, Jean Harwood. I got more than a warm glow when I saw her photo in the Santa cap. She looks the picture of health.

Please note that Mom has only been out of the hospital for two weeks. She has undergone three separate angioplastys since June. Could her rapid recoveries be a result of the love and support she receives all year round from her wonderful friends and neighbors living on Candy Cane Lane? My thanks to you all.




