
Big Tujunga Canyon Visitors Tally

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Regarding your article on Big Tujunga Canyon, (“Public’s Help Being Sought in Managing Big Tujunga,” Dec. 6), not in the Forest Service’s wildest dreams, or worst nightmares, are there 5 million visitors annually to this canyon.

I have lived in this canyon for many years and assure you that 100,000 visitors would be closer to the truth, and that’s being optimistic.

And yes, there are problems with visitors, but the majority of problems can be directly attributed to the mismanagement of the area by the Forest Service. (We call them “the Forest Circus.”) Hopefully the new management plan will address and solve these problems.


The Forest Service’s figures of 5 million visitors is nothing more than an attempt to create a “crisis” to obtain more funding.

TRENT DAVOL SANDERS, Angeles National Forest
