
Public Opinion and Iraqgate

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American attempts to do business with Iraq (“U.S. Found to Have Eased Way for Iraqi Supergun” and “Iraqgate--A Case Study of a Big Story With Little Impact,” Oct. 27) display good common sense instead of the criminal intent your front-page editorializing seems to imply. The one area of business where we compete successfully with Japan, France, and Germany is in high-technology weaponry. The biggest problem facing that industry is the veto power that the pro-Israel lobby wields over weapons export licensing. It is time to stop the unwritten policy that Israel’s enemies have to be our enemies.

Shaw wonders why there is no “public outrage” over Iraqgate. We have killed 500,000 Iraqis and destroyed their nation. The American people don’t see the reason for the endless hatred. It is time to stop the war against Iraq and time to build business alliances instead of enemies in the Arab world.


San Pedro
