
League of Women Voters

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In response to “OK to Spend? The Chorus Says ‘Yes,’ ” Column Right, by George Will, May 21:

Yale Prof. James L. Payne is quoted as saying organizations such as the League of Women Voters are mere “extensions of government in that they receive government contracts or grants.” Obviously, Payne is extremely ill-informed. First of all, the League of Women Voters of the United States, which is the league’s lobbying and advocacy branch, receives no federal grants or contracts whatsoever. The league is a nonpartisan, independent organization which promotes citizen activism in government. In fact, the league’s 1992 election-year campaign, called “Take Back The System,” is designed to revitalize the American electoral process and re-empower the American voter.

Contrary to Payne’s insinuations, the league’s board and staff do not include any former government officials. The League of Women Voters Education Fund, which does not lobby but rather conducts issue-oriented research and promotes citizen education, receives only a minimum of federal support. In the last fiscal year, only 7% of the education fund’s total program costs were funded by federal grants.


Although we share Payne’s and Will’s concern over government spending, they do a great disservice to their readers and to a respected 73-year-old organization by not checking their facts more closely.


President, The League of Women Voters

