
Enquirer Case

In Kari Granville’s Sept. 29 article about the clash between TV’s “60 Minutes” and the National Enquirer (“A Tangle for Inquiring Minds”), the author made a number of references to documents alleged (by the Enquirer) to have been stolen and turned over to the CBS News program.

During my interview with Granville, I repeatedly discussed the Enquirer’s allegations, myself having been singled out by the Enquirer for being in possession of the same “stolen” material (which I used during my investigation of the National Enquirer for the October issue of Los Angeles magazine). Unfortunately, my comments were not included in the Calendar piece.

For the record, not one document in my possession, from Enquirer offices or elsewhere, was stolen. They were given to me by an Enquirer employee who has yet to be fired or to resign.


Though I feel Granville did fine work and research in her article, I must also object to having been referred to as a “source” for “60 Minutes.” My role on the program was simply as an interviewee. The show’s producers approached me because my Los Angeles magazine piece had reached the same investigative conclusion at which “60 Minutes” independently arrived.


Contributing Editor

Los Angeles magazine

Century City
