
Gaio New President of AIA’s L.A. Chapter

Raymond L. Gaio becomes the new president of the 2,200-member Los Angeles chapter of the American Institute of Architects when he assumes office in January.

Gaio, president and chief executive officer of GAIO, with offices in Los Angeles and Washington, will be installed with other newly elected officers Jan. 13 at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood.

They include Ronald A. Altoon of Altoon & Porter, vice president/president-elect; William H. Fain Jr. of Johnson Fain & Pereira Associates, treasurer. Four new directors elected for two-year terms are Katherine Diamond of Siegel Diamond Architects; Seraphima H. Lamb of the Lamb Associates; Joseph M. Madda of the Landau Partnership and Gregory Villanueva of Villanueva/Amoni Architects.
