
Second Amendment and Gun Control

The AK-47 rifle is a military assault rifle of Russian design. The operating mechanism is extremely reliable under all conditions. The AK has been purchased and/or copied by dozens of nations.

The model that is being purchased in such great numbers now is made in China. It has retailed for as little as $250. The low price (cheaper than any quality U.S.-made hunting rifle) is due to China’s “most favored nation status” in trade with the U.S. The Chinese version has little value to American hunters or target shooters because of its poor accuracy.

The Uzi submachine gun is made in Israel. The imported version is highly modified, making full automatic firing impossible. It has no value either as a target gun or a hunting rifle.


Many quality sporting arms have been made through the years by Winchester, Remington, Browning, Savage, Ruger, Colt, and others, which are semiautomatic. So, instead of messing with our gun laws and our prized possessions, why doesn’t the government stop allowing importation of Uzis and AKs? Leave the damn guns in China and Israel and leave the shooting sports alone. Is the public being tricked into this insanity, and if so, by whom?


