
Train buffs are getting steamed up over...

Times Travel Editor

Train buffs are getting steamed up over a rail adventure in Switzerland this summer. Stunning scenery and the best on-time railroad in the world. (If a train is due at 12:01 p.m., you can bet it’ll arrive precisely at 12:01--not a minute earlier, not a minute later.) All this brings up an 18-day tour that features steam-operated vintage trains, parlor cars, funiculars, cable cars, lake steamers. And none of the daily stress associated with packing and unpacking. Instead, you spend the first six nights in Interlaken, taking day trips to Bern, Grindelwald, Gstaad and Zermatt.

The next two nights are spent in St. Moritz, and the following five in St. Gallen. This is how it goes during the entire 18 days. Laid-back and low-key. The standard rate ($1,995) includes transportation, hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, service charges, taxes. A brochure describing this and other trips in Britain, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Scandinavia, Spain, Turkey and Bulgaria can be obtained by writing to Europe Train Tours, 17372 Chicago Ave., Yorba Linda, Calif. 92686. Call toll-free (800) 445-0191 or (714) 524-5130 in Orange County. Outside California, dial (800) 551-2085.

Spanish Giveaway

Travelers visiting Spain this summer can buy a 60-day pass on Iberia Airlines for only $199. Good on flights throughout Spain, to the Balearic Islands, Morocco. A couple of restrictions: The “Visit Spain Pass” must be purchased before you leave the United States and you must fly to Spain on Iberia Airlines. Returning home you may choose any other airline. This is a real money-saver, especially if you are budgeting your time. Start in Madrid. Then jet off to the far corners of Spain. (For an extra $50 you can take in the Canary Islands.) Details from Iberia or your travel agent.


Guides to Britain

If you’re wondering where to stay, what to do in Britain, you can get the answers from British Gifts in Los Angeles. Details on England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland. A free publication lists dozens of reference books, video cassettes, maps and slides stocked by BG. Contains thumbnail sketches of the various publications. One that’s produced by the British Automobile Assn. (“AA Bed & Breakfast in Britain”) tells about 3,000 guest houses, farmhouses, inns. Designed for travelers on a limited budget, the same publication lists more than 200 maps. For a copy of “Essential Guides for the Visitor to Britain 1988,” write to British Gifts, P.O. Box 26558, Los Angeles 90026.

X-rayed Film

To avoid the danger of your film being fogged in an airport X-ray machine, keep it in a lead shield. You have another option: Hand the film over to the security personnel manning the scanners. While this usually works in the United States, the security people overseas frequently demand that the film be X-rayed. What this means is that pictures taken on your trip could be ruined.

In Austria recently, one vacationer passing through security had 16 rolls of film fogged by X-ray exposure. Some security people say the X-rays won’t harm film. Wrong. Because of the high-powered X-ray scanners in some countries, it’s inevitable. High-speed film is particularly susceptible. So carry your film in one of the lead pouches on sale at most camera shops. Another thing: Don’t pack film in the luggage you’ve checked. According to Kodak, these bags are routinely X-rayed by “far more powerful units than those used at security counters.”


Caribbean Family Plan

A family of five can vacation this summer for less than $60 a day per person(meals included) on the Caribbean island of Virgin Gorda in the British West Indies (one of the Caribbean’s loveliest hideaways). No high rises, no fast food restaurants. The $60-a-day resort (rates available June 25 through Sept. 4) is Biras Creek. A seven-night package features a two-bedroom, two-bath cottage with a patio, complimentary tennis, unlimited use of water sports equipment (wind surfers, sailboats, snorkeling gear), a boat ride to Virgin Gorda’s seaside grottoes, a sunset sail aboard a 43-foot sloop. Back at Biras Creek, there’s dancing at a castle overlooking the cottage colony. You get to Virgin Gorda from Puerto Rico or St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. For details call toll-free (800) 223-1108.

Following the Dodgers

Fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers can follow their favorite baseball team by purchasing travel packages produced by Pass/Sports, the company specializing in sports vacation trips. Beginning with a weekend series in San Francisco (April 22-24), fans will join the Dodgers on various road trips. The San Francisco package ($296) is a two-night deal that includes the round-trip flight, hotel (the Monticello Inn near Union Square), ground transportation, continental breakfasts, wine receptions and seats at games with the San Francisco Giants. Other selected Dodger game/vacations are being scheduled by Pass/Sports. For reservations call (213) 419-5080.

New England

Vermont and Massachusetts have the hook out for the summer vacationer. Both states have produced a calendar of events. Vermont has gone a step further by creating a planning kit that includes a helpful vacation guidebook, the official state map and information on accommodations, dining, attractions, activities. For your 1988 kit, send a post card to Vermont Travel Division, Dept. R823, 134 State St., Montpelier, Vt. 05602.


Copies of Massachusetts’ Calendar of Events can be obtained by writing to the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism, 100 Cambridge St. (13th Floor), Boston, Mass. 02202.

Meanwhile, a “Weekend Events & Package Guide” is being mailed free by the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau (telephone toll-free (800) 858-0200). Lists events, hotel packages, sightseeing services, music festivals, street fairs and gives the lowdown on the five-day Boston Harborfest Celebration in July (parades, a performance by the Boston Pops Orchestra, fireworks, a chowderfest).

Reader Recommendations

California--Jan Goldenberg, Goleta: Gives high marks to the Harbour Carriage House, 420 W. Montecito St., Santa Barbara. “Rooms were comfortable and the breakfast was delicious. Prices range from $85 to $155.”

North Carolina--Aubrey I. Tomkin, Los Angeles: “A delightful stay at The Inn on Providence, 6700 Providence Road, Charlotte, N.C. 28105. A Southern-style residence filled with antiques. Rates: $55/$75. Includes a delicious Southern breakfast.”

Washington--Jay Rutsky, Fresno: “Just returned from a terrific scuba diving trip to Washington’s San Juan Islands. The warm hospitality aboard the Sea Wolf operated by Jess and Sally Starnes couldn’t be better. Meals and snacks were excellent. My three days of diving cost $210. Next time I am going for one of their seven-day trips for $490, which includes berth, meals and air fills. The Starnes can be contacted at Discovery Charters, P.O. Box 636, Anacortes, Wash. 98221.”

Scotland--Fred and Peg Gunterman, Calexico: “Ian and Tina MacLeod’s Clintwood B&B;, Hillview Drive, Corpach, Scotland, is superior in every way. Rates: 9 (about $17.30 U.S.) per person. Gracious and thoughtful hosts. Very knowledgeable about this part of the highlands.”


Italy--Catherine Amadio, Redondo Beach: “Stayed at a delightful bed-and-breakfast villa in Northern Italy between Trieste and Venice. Near some beautiful beaches. Only $30 U.S. per day for a comfortable room and delicious breakfast. For more information, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the owner: Mary Vador, P.O. Box 695, Redondo Beach 90277.”
