Ten years ago, a bold and jarring...
Ten years ago, a bold and jarring documentary titled “Scared Straight” took viewers inside a New Jersey prison where inmates met with troubled teens with the intention of “scaring them straight.”
Where are those juveniles, now young adults, a decade later? Did they heed the advice? And what’s become of the convicts?
Producer Arnold Shapiro answers these questions in “Scared Straight: 10 Years Later,” airing Wednesday on KTLA Channel 5 (8-10 p.m.).
Most of the convicts are still behind bars. As for the juvenile offenders, some indeed have gone straight, but Shapiro found others in prison. Said one: “I wish I had listened.”
Whoopi Goldberg hosts this follow-up program. KTLA’s original documentary won eight Emmy Awards, an Academy Award and many other honors.
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