
‘Case for Glee at Reagan’s Comeuppance’

When one considers the six years of arrogance, smugness and Jimmy Carter bashing practiced by Ronald Reagan and his gang it is without trepidation or doubt that I can agree with Michael Kinsley’s article (Editorial Pages, Dec. 4), “A Case for Glee at Reagan’s Comeuppance.” Frankly, I am delighted to see the apparent wounding of the present Administration brought on by its disastrous handling of the Iran arms deal. Contrary to the pious protestations taken by some Democratic politicians--as well as the media--shedding crocodile tears and loudly proclaiming that they have no desire to witness another presidential crisis, I feel this self-created scandal will work as a catharsis whose purifying effect will prove beneficial to the Republic.

The truly frightening thing about this mess is that it spotlights the fact that this country has been run by a pack of liars and incompetents for six years. Frightening because this second- and third-raters hold our lives and destiny in their hands.

Reagan will never admit to having made a mistake, yet his policies have been nothing but a series of blunders accented by a make-believe Rambo image: Lebanon, Grenada, Nicaragua, the bombing of Libya, and now this incredible scandal which Reagan still unbelievably supports. Without trying to be judgmental, I would venture to say that the President is on the verge of losing it.


Yes, I hope, as does Kinsley, that this crisis will prove to be a body blow to this Administration thereby rendering it incapable of doing further damage to the country.


