
Seattle Stairway Lends Needed Excitement

I am responding to the fine statement (Sam Hall Kaplan article, Jan. 27) about Library Square’s controversy and your well-phrased description of the pedway debate.

That brought to mind the stairway I photographed a few years ago in Seattle of the Federal Building designed by Fred Bassetti, with landscape architecture by Lawrence Halprin who will also design Library Square.

Your statement re: a connection is well demonstrated by my photograph, a link between two grade separated streets. The area is now landscaped and works beautifully.


The stairway has become a “center” for meeting people, or dates. It is a great place on which to brown-bag and take the sun. As you suggested, it “lends needed excitement.”

Keep up your fine writing and efforts towards an objective urban environment.


Los Angeles

I read all of the Sam Hall Kaplan articles in the real estate section (and other sections). Why is it that you continue to ignore the restorations and renovations of buildings in Hollywood? You did it again in your recent article on hotel renovations.

How can you discuss a hotel renovation in Monrovia and ignore the current multimillion-dollar renovation of the venerable Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Boulevard.?


Can it possibly be that you are unaware of it? If you are, then drive down Hollywood Boulevard from La Brea to Gower and you’ll be quite surprised to see the finished and in-progress restorations taking place.



Thank you for your very sound and positive article (Jan. 13) about “what now” on metro transit by Sam Hall Kaplan. I am an architect from the Midwest (six years ago) and I have long thought that there was something in the planning strategy here that was missing. Like planning. . . .

I am glad that a person with your attitudes has the vehicle to express them that you do. L.A. must very soon learn to be a city or never really get out of its zoned growth patterns.

Thank you again. Keep them stirred up!


Los Angeles

I thought your article on downtown Los Angeles and the Metro Rail Project was not only entertaining, but a refreshing new perspective for the L.A. media.



Los Angeles
