
Gear: Crayola’s Wild Notes Black Notebook makes trip journal colorful

Crayola has kept children artistically engaged for 110 years. The company’s signature colored crayons still abound, but Crayola has also evolved with the times to satisfy kids’ wow-factor yearnings.

Enter the Crayola Wild Notes Black Journal, a 5-by-7-inch wirebound book with 70 wide-ruled pages of “magic” black paper. When Junior expounds on his travel adventures using the included metallic color-changing pen, the words and doodles manifest in neon hues.

Crayola also makes a 75-page 8-by-10 1/2-inch Wild Notes Black Notebook, letting your little artist create even larger masterpieces. Regular crayons and pens can be used on the paper, but you won’t get the magic effect. The color-changing pen works only with the special paper.


Oh, and there’s no law against adults going for the glow too. What a way to document your family vacation or magical mystery tour.

Crayola Wild Notes Black Journal or Notebook with metallic color changing pen costs about $9.75.

Info: Crayola
