
Your Scene: Fort Taytay on Palawan Island, Philippines

Times reader “deanryan” shot this photo of Fort Taytay on Palawan Island in the Philippines. Ruin-like in appearance, the fort dates to the 1600s. During Spanish rule in the 1800s the fort was used as a watchtower and for housing Spanish officials.

Here’s a look at the fort from afar:

Palawan Island lies north of Malaysia in the southwest Philippines. Other attractions on the island include Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Tabon Caves, where the Tabon Man, one of the oldest human remains discovered in the Philippines, was found.

Interested in feedback from Los Angeles Times photographers? Come join us at the L.A. Times Travel & Adventure Show March 19 and 20 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Panels topics include tips for better travel photos and family vacation photos made easy.


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-- Jason La
