
Take the ‘Where Am I?’ Tour

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

Sure, the calendar says it’s late December, but it’s never really the holiday season until somebody hauls out a tiresome travel slide show. And so we bring you the 2007 “Where Am I?” Tour.

None of these 12 pictures has appeared on until now, but all were taken by me in the course of my 2007 travels in North America. Amid the taunts and red herrings in the captions, I’ve given some geographical clues. But I know you’ve been places, readers, and I’m not going to demean you with obvious hints.

So give yourself one point for identifying the country shown in each image. Add another point if you can name the state or province. Add a third point if you can name the city or national park or state park or state reserve or reservation. Thus, a perfect score would be 36.


For some reason, it’s a legal headache for us to give anything of true value away, so we won’t. We’re not even calling this a contest. But if you e-mail your name and your answers to [email protected]between now and noon Jan. 2, then soon after we will lavish praise upon the highest scorers and post their names -- along with the answers.
