
Grand Del Mar: How it rates

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

How it rates * * * * 1/2

New and noteworthy: The $300-million resort and golf club creates old-world luxury to match modern expectations.

The stay: In this ultra-luxurious setting, a Thanksgiving getaway felt like a real holiday.

The scene: Unusual quiet from low occupancy and good design allows everyone space to relax.

Deal maker: Opulent details, high-achieving restaurants, challenging golf course, lush spa and anticipatory service.

Deal breaker: The fairly isolated setting and sometimes fussy décor make the resort feel a bit like a gilded gated community.


Stats: 5300 Grand Del Mar Court, San Diego; (858) 314-2000,

Rooms: Introductory rates are $395 to $4,500 through Dec. 31.

Rating is based on the room, service, ambience and overall experience with price taken into account in relation to quality.

* * * * * Outstanding on every level

* * * * Excellent

* * * Very good

* * Good

* Satisfactory

No star: Poor
