
Your Scene: L.A. skyline near 9th and Broadway

Times reader “galkab” shot this sunset view of downtown Los Angeles near the corner of 9th Street and Broadway. The photographer captures a hodgepodge of historic and modern buildings in this scene.

On the right is the Eastern Columbia Building, once the headquarters of the Eastern Outfitting Co. and the Columbia Outfitting Co. Opened in 1930, it now houses condominiums.

Just to left of that building is the 777 Tower at 777 S. Figueroa St. This 52-floor high-rise was completed in 1991. Right of the antennae tower is the 123-room Ritz-Carlton hotel, which opened last year at L.A. Live.


Finally, the United Artists theater stands on the far left. After opening in 1927, it spent decades as a movie house and now is home to Los Angeles University Cathedral.

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-- Jason La
