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Love to eat? Love to read? The two don’t have to go hand in hand, but in this case the two traits make for delicious city guides.


What it does: It’s a literary food blog that gives you the inside scoop on foodie haunts, best indie bookstores, libraries, coffee shops, literary conferences and more in 47 cities across the United States.


What’s hot: EatThisPoem goes way beyond large cities to include small and mid-size American towns. Each city guide is written by someone who has a relationship with the city. They review destinations with tips such as favorite bookstores and places to write. There are suggestions that could appeal to general travelers too, such as the guide’s favorite views, a superior hiking trail or their favorite place for seasonal organic breakfast fare.

What’s not: The blog is well past its launch date, so I’m sure I’m not the first person to raise her hand and request an international section. More of a good thing is never bad.
