
Foreign travel alerts on the Philippines, Nepal, South Pacific and Myanmar

A travel warning on the Philippines, updated from the May warning, cites “continuing threats” in southern parts of the country “due to terrorist and insurgent activities.” If your travel is nonessential, don’t go, the State Department says. Kidnappings are a problem especially in the southern Sulu Sea, and the warning notes that Mindanao has had at least 15 kidnappings in the last nine months.

Davao city, the capital of Mindanao, is nearly 1,000 miles south of Manila, the country’s capital. Info:

Quake-hit Nepal still a concern

Nepal continues to be a concern to the State Department, it said in an updated warning issued last month. The April 25 earthquake has created aftershocks, and monsoons, which soaked the region from June through September, may have further undermined the already shaky mountainous areas. The warning notes that although some trekking companies have resumed trips, that doesn’t mean these areas are stable. Info:


South Pacific cyclone season

The South Pacific tropical cyclone season begins Nov.1 and continues through the end of April. The State Department alert directs travelers and residents to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s guide to cyclone preparedness: The guide also explains the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale that explains strengths of such storms: A 1 means frame homes could suffer damages; a 5 means those frame homes will be destroyed. Info:

Avoid rallies in Myanmar

The State Department still calls it Burma in its alert on the Myanmar election set for Nov. 8. The alert urges travelers to avoid rallies and demonstrations (and steer clear of crowds). The alert continues until Dec. 20. Info:

More information on alerts and warnings:

Source: U.S. Department of State
