
Sail on a windjammer in New England to see whales, deserted islands and fishing villages

Go to sea in search of whales and offshore adventure on a Maine windjammer sailing and whale-watching cruise.

You’ll scout for breaching whales, explore a deserted island and visit historic fishing villages. The trip, aboard the 92-foot American Eagle, will set sail from Rockland, Maine, and continue to Massachusetts Bay, Mass.

The ship is a National Historic Landmark schooner and takes passengers along the coast on an eight-night trip, stopping each evening in places such as the Isle of Shoals, Maine, and Mohegan, Cape Ann and Gloucester, Mass., where you can go ashore and explore.


The cruise includes a visit to Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, said to have the largest population of whales off the New England coast. 

Dates: June 15-23 

Price: From $1,895 per person. Includes accommodations, all meals, lobster bake, activities and parking. Airfare not included.

Info: American Eagle Sailing & Whaling Cruise, (800) 648-4544


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