
Plumber takes a chance and gets to meet Muhammad Ali

Tony Kelly is a plumber in Louisville, Ky., who thought last Friday would just be a normal work day. He got his list of calls for the day, when one of his co-workers noticed something: One of the houses he was going to was right next door to where Muhammad Ali lives. They told him he had to go over and wish Ali a happy birthday. Kelly, who was born in Ireland, tells the story:

“I was working at a house. It was just a normal day at work and guys were joking around with me telling me how Muhammad Ali lived next door and I didn’t really believe them at the start,” Kelly told television station WDRB in Louisville. “Mr. Ali’s wife, Yolanda, answered the door and I explained to her I was a fan from Ireland and she said Muhammad would love to meet an Irish fan. He was unavailable, but she told me to come back in an hour’s time.”

So, Kelly came back an hour later and Ali’s wife led him to the legend.

“He was just sitting there. I was star-struck. It was just great to meet him. I shook his hand. He posed for a couple pictures with me. It’s very cool,” Kelly said. “Just everything about him, his attitude and way it changed the sport. The guy is a legend and all the work he’s done for humanity as well.”


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