
Mark Cuban says he could beat Clinton or Trump in presidential run

Mark Cuban for president? The Mavericks owner says of the thought, "I get asked every day."

Mark Cuban for president? The Mavericks owner says of the thought, “I get asked every day.”

(LM Otero / Associated Press)

Mark Cuban for president? The Dallas Mavericks owner says he could beat Democratic hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton or Republican front-runner Donald Trump if he were to make a presidential run.

That’s what he told CNBC in an email exchange and a phone interview.

A statement of that nature is nothing new for Cuban, who is always quick with a cutting comment about the Lakers or another NBA contender for which he might have disdain. He’s also a straight-shooter on the TV show “Shark Tank” when making business deals.


“I get asked every day,” Cuban wrote of running for president. “It’s a fun idea to toss around.

“If I ran as a Dem, I know I could beat Hillary Clinton. And if it was me vs. Trump, I would crush him. No doubt about it.”

Cuban had some keen observations about using social media and what it would take to win an election.


“There is no question the game has changed and Donald has a much stronger command of it than the rest of the candidates,” Cuban wrote. “Most future voters will get their news from their Facebook, Snapchat, Cyber Dust, Instagram, Twitter feeds. They open their apps and see what’s there. They don’t go looking for depth and explanations. If you as a candidate can’t find your way into those feeds, you basically don’t exist.”

He also wrote that he understands the gravity of the job as leader of the United States.

“No matter how smart or arrogant you think you are, I can’t imagine anything more difficult or more humbling than making life or death decisions,” Cuban wrote. “Whether it’s someone like me, or a Trump, the first time someone dies because of a decision the president made, I think all that bluster goes out the window.”
