
Bill Belichick jokes, laughs about ‘Deflategate’ with Dave Letterman

Bill Belichick did something on national television Wednesday night that some might suspect he’s been doing in private for the last month or so.

Laugh out loud about “Deflategate.”

Appearing on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” the New England Patriots coach gave pretty much the same responses he’s given all along to the accusations that his team purposely took some air out of their game balls for a competitive advantage against the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC championship game on Jan. 18.

You know, denying he had anything to do with it, claiming cold weather was the culprit, avoiding the question with a stock answer.


But this time the queries were delivered Letterman style, setting the famously grouchy Belichick up for some big laughs no matter what his response.

He even cracks a joke, telling Letterman he’d like bring the talk show host in to testify for the NFL’s investigation into the incident.

Check out the video above. Just be prepared to be creeped out by seeing Belichick smile, chuckle and even throw his head back in laughter. Gives me the chills just thinking about it.


Twitter: @chewkiii
