
Angels to try for world record for selfie-sticks

The Angels announced their promotional schedule Tuesday, and amid the traditional assortment of bobblehead dolls, caps and fireworks nights, this stood out:

Selfie-stick night.

No, really. On May 6, the Angels said they would try “to set the Guinness World Record® for the largest gathering of people using selfie-sticks.” (The bold emphasis was in the Angels’ announcement, not added here.)

The announcement inspired a wave of response, including this from the Seattle Mariners:

The fine print: The Angels will provide the selfie sticks. On any other night, the team said, “selfie-sticks are not permitted inside Angel Stadium.”


For the past several years, the Angels’ promotional schedule has included a Guinness world record night -- including largest gathering of people wearing sombreros, largest gathering of people wearing cowboy hats, and largest gathering of people wearing wrestling masks.

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Twitter: @BillShaikin
