
MotoGP racer Colin Edwards uses Twitter to document crash injury

American rider Colin Edwards suffered a nasty collarbone injury in a crash during qualifying for the MotoGP race in Portugal last Saturday, an injury that required extensive surgery.

And Edwards’ fans were kept informed each step of the way thanks to Edwards’ Twitter account (@texastornado5), where the Houston native gave updates before and after his surgery in Barcelona, Spain, for his left collarbone, which was broken in five places.

The updates included such graphic photos as a 3-D scan of his collarbone, a shot of his scars after he was sewn up and an X-ray showing the titanium plate, 10 screws and 15 staples required to fix the bone.


“Just out of surgery, all went well,” Edwards, 38, tweeted Monday.

MotoGP is the international motorcycle racing series whose U.S. stops includes races in Monterey, Calif., on July 29 and at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Aug. 19.

Edwards is expected to compete in those races barring further setbacks. The Indianapolis track said Tuesday that while he would miss the next race in France on May 20, he was scheduled to return at the Grand Prix of Catalunya in Spain on June 3.


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MotoGP racer Colin Edwards uses Twitter to document crash injury
