
Donald Driver discusses Week 8 on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

The Times is pleased to have Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver guest-blogging for us while he competes on “Dancing With the Stars.” Each week, Driver, a Super Bowl champion and three-time Pro Bowl player, will answer a few questions from Sports Now editor Houston Mitchell and give some insight into the competition. Here are Driver’s thoughts about Week 8, which he offered via email.

Q: That jive trio is one of the best dances in the history of the show. And you only got a 28? What can you possibly do to top that and get a 30?

We had a lot of fun with it, perfect score or not. Hopefully a lot of fans thought the same thing as you and voted for us! In the judges’ eyes we obviously have a few little things we can clean up, so we’re going to hit the practice floor hard this week and get it done.

Q: Do you think because of your athletic background that the judges are a little tougher on you?


I don’t think it has to do with athletics as much as their belief that I can be a really good dancer. They are going to keep pushing me until I get to the level they believe I am capable of reaching.

Q: Jumping over Peta and Karina at the end looked great, but looked dangerous. How often did you try that jump during practice?

We practiced it a few times and no one got hurt so we figured we’d give it a try Monday night! It was definitely a little risky, but you can’t focus on what could go wrong. We were confident in our ability to do it and I think it put a great finishing touch on the routine.

Q: A double elimination Tuesday night. How do you handle your nerves before and during the show?

The most nerve-racking part of the whole thing is when you’re up on the stage, those lights are on you and Tom does the dramatic pause before telling you if you’re safe or in the bottom two. I’m fine before the show and during every other part, but that one moment is definitely tough!

Q: We mention your Donald Driver Foundation at the end of every one of your blogs for us. Tell us a little more about it.


My wife and I started the foundation in 2001 to help homeless families get back on their feet by providing them with a safe place to rest their heads. As a child, I myself spent a lot of time without a home, so I knew firsthand just how terrible it was and wanted to help in any way I could.

In addition to helping homeless families, the foundation has now branched out to assist underprivileged youths with their education. We give out $10,000 in college scholarships each year and have opened two computer labs at youth outreach centers in Houston. We’re holding our 10th annual celebrity golf tournament, the Donald Driver Golf Classic, this June in Las Vegas. There are still some open spots so head over to my foundation website and sign up!

In addition to being the Packers all-time leading receiver, Donald Driver has written three children’s books and is the founder of the Donald Driver Foundation, which focuses on helping homeless families get back on their feet along with providing educational resources to children in need. You can follow Donald’s “DWTS” journey on his Facebook and Twitter pages.



Donald Driver discusses Week 7 on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

Donald Driver discusses Week 6 on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

Donald Driver discusses Week 5 of ‘Dancing With the Stars’

Donald Driver discusses Week 8 on ‘Dancing with the Stars’
