
Donald Driver discusses Week 5 of ‘Dancing With the Stars’

The Times is pleased to have Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver guest-blogging for us while he competes on “Dancing With the Stars.” Each week, Driver, a Super Bowl champion and three-time Pro Bowl player, will answer a few questions from Sports Now editor Houston Mitchell and give some insight into the competition. Here are Driver’s thoughts about Week 5, which he offered via email.

Q: You were the last one to dance Monday. If you had the choice between going first or last, which would you choose and why?

I’ll dance first, last, in the middle ... wherever. If I’m dancing, that means I’m still in the competition and that’s all I can ask for.


Q: Those were some amazing spins you did with Peta. What’s the secret for not getting dizzy after spinning so fast and furious?

Have kids! They’re always playing and asking me to spin them around. I’m used to all those spins at this point.

Q: Which training is more intense, training for football or training for dancing?

When you’re dancing, you have to think about and remember where every single part of your body should be at every moment. You have to move everything in unison. And, on top of all that, you have to worry about your facial expressions! I’m not going to say dancing is harder than football, but learning a dance is definitely harder than learning a [pass] route!


Q: Do you think all this dance training will help you become more nimble or quicker on the football field?

I’m not sure if it will make me quicker, but it’s definitely keeping me in great shape!

Q: Tonight is elimination night. What is it like standing under the spotlight, waiting for Tom and Brooke to tell you if you are safe?

As we’ve seen already this season, you never know who is going to be sent home each week so it’s real nerve-racking on everyone involved. I’m blessed to have the support of millions of Packer fans each week and I still get a little nervous.


In addition to being the Packers all-time leading receiver, Donald Driver has written three children’s books and is the founder of the Donald Driver Foundation, which focuses on helping homeless families get back on their feet along with providing educational resources to children in need. You can follow Donald’s DWTS journey on his Facebook and Twitter pages.


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Donald Driver discusses Week 5 of ‘Dancing with the Stars’
