
Letters: Lane Kiffin can’t win for winning

USC Coach Lane Kiffin still has plenty of critics despite the team's 2-1 start.
USC Coach Lane Kiffin still has plenty of critics despite the team’s 2-1 start.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)

Dear Pat Haden, there’s no rule that says that you can’t fire a coach after a win. Lane Kiffin’s offense is the albatross of his team. Kiffin’s offense makes Mike Brown’s Lakers offense look like Showtime. Please do Kiffin and the Trojan Nation a favor and put us out of our misery.

Willis Barton

Los Angeles


Beware, Tre Madden. Lane Kiffin is at it again. After all but destroying Robert Woods’ final season last year with his play calling, Kiffin is at it again with Marqise Lee. It’s early of course, but if you harbor any dreams of a future Heisman, be very, very careful not to share those thoughts with your coach. Oh, and don’t think any future blue-chippers won’t be connecting the dots.

Ralph Martinez



The USC offense reminds me of the ’49 Ford I drove in high school. The engine almost always sputtered and stalled before getting me all the way to school.


Tom Turner

Dana Point


The NCAA has decided that allowing a child molester to roam free throughout the football program is not as bad as a rogue family receiving a free house. The joke’s on you, Pat Haden. Once again, the NCAA has punked you. If Haden had a spine, he would’ve taken the NCAA on. But we know he doesn’t. Just look across the field today when we all get to see Lane Kiffin again.

Geno Apicella


Unreal season

Preseason thoughts on the Dodgers — talk radio version:

1. Dodgers are no match for the Giants.

2. Dodgers are not even the best team in Los Angeles.

3. There are too many outfielders — trade Andre Ethier!

4. It is essential they acquire a closer.

5. They must obtain a decent third baseman.

6. Zack Greinke’s best days are behind him.

7. Punto who?

8. Matt Kemp must produce.

9. The team overspent for some Cuban kid.

10. Mattingly must go!

William Peterson

Homeland, Calif.


Memo to Kevin Baxter: When you rated the Dodgers as the 11th-best team last Sunday, you must have forgotten their 42-8 run, their 1-2 starting pitching punch, their shortstop who probably would be the NL MVP if he had more at-bats and their demonstrated ability to come from behind.

Did you also rate “Breaking Bad” as the 11th-best TV drama?

Ken Feldman



C’mon, Sen. McCain. The Dodgers had some harmless fun by jumping into the Diamondbacks’ swimming pool. How does that compare with you playing poker on your iPhone during a crucial Senate hearing regarding Syria?


Gail Kidd



Sen. John McCain should be the last one to complain about anyone else’s lack of judgment, considering his choice of a running mate in the 2008 presidential election.

Ben Browdy

Los Angeles


Scully Way? How about Scully Stadium!

Ed Trivers

Lake Arrowhead

Just a thought

Perhaps the Angels could trade Jerry Dipoto and Mike Scioscia to Detroit for Torii Hunter? And while we are at it, how about making Mark Gubizca the new manager? Or at least pitching coach? His insightful remarks make the games so much more interesting.

Carol Marshall


The old days

A big thank you to Bill Plaschke [“Purple & Gold Turns Blue,” Sept. 27] for constantly reminding us that L.A. is now a two-bit sports town. It was before Bill’s time here, yet there was a time when we also had pro football teams that made it to the Super Bowl to go along with regular World Series and NBA championship visits. The local college teams lined up Heisman winners. One of those schools won every baseball title and the other every hoops trophy. Their track teams were studded with world-class athletes and L.A. hosted major indoor and outdoor meets, including USA-Russia dual events. The Great One brought hockey.


So what we’re left with is Kobe versus Kemp? Please.

Rich Holland

Aliso Viejo

Not the same

With all due respect, Sam Farmer is way off comparing the Trent Richardson trade to the Eric Dickerson blockbuster deal of yesteryear. Dickerson had more than 7,000 rushing yards in his first four-plus season while Richardson had a nice, if not underperforming, injury-marred year. About the only thing the two have in common right now is that they are both running backs. Only time will tell whether Richardson will be mentioned in the same breath as Dickerson or whether he will be the next Cleveland Gary.

Mike Gamboa

Buena Park

Ship shape

I cringe whenever I hear or read about “the Americans” in reference to Oracle Team USA in the America’s Cup. There is only one American among the 11 crew members on the boat: trimmer Rome Kirby. Skipper Jimmy Spithill is Australian. There were two Americans until Larry Ellison and team CEO Russell Coutts (a Kiwi) apparently decided there were too many Americans on the boat and replaced tactician John Kostecki with Ben Ainslie, a Brit.

Rich Roberts



The Ellison Cup (sorry, America’s Cup) is finally over. This race did not showcase America’s talented sailors (there were only a couple of Americans among Oracle’s crew) but rather our ability, as the richest nation on Earth, to use our money to eliminate competition. It must have confirmed the belief of many that sailing is an elitist sport.

Judy Hulme

Hermosa Beach

Family feud

Jeanie Buss felt “betrayed, stabbed in the back” by brother Jim. She’s known him since 1961 and yet she’s just learning what Lakers fans have lived with since Jerry became ill, and sadly passed away — that Jim is about as capable at running the storied Lakers organization as I am at configuring a flight plan for a NASA trip to Mars.

We all wanted Phil Jackson. Yes, the Zen master is a bit freaky, but 11 championships is 11 more than Mike D’Antoni will ever get. So Jeanie, learn to live with disappointment. We have.

Marty Foster



It’s time for everyone to get off of Jim Buss’ back. All he did was betray his sister humiliate Phil Jackson by hiring Mike D’Antoni and lose Dwight Howard. Which of us hasn’t made the same mistakes in our lives?


Gary H. Miller



Are you sure it was Steve Springer, and not Jerry, that helped Jeanie Buss write her book?

Kathleen Collins

Santa Monica


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