
Southern Section processes 1,645 transfers in August

August was a busy time for the Southern Section office in Los Alamitos. There were 1,645 transfers processed, of which 745 were under Bylaw 206C, valid change of residence.

The intent of the bylaw is to allow a student whose family moves to have unlimited eligibility.

In a commissioner’s message, Rob Wigod reminded schools, “However, like any bylaw that exists, there are those who wish to use this bylaw as an avenue for immediate eligibility at a new school that is unrelated to the original purpose and intent of this bylaw.”


Wigod is reminding schools of their responsibilities “in evaluating whether a student has actually met the standards for a valid change of residence.”

He said schools need to demand proof to fulfill a valid change of residence that includes:

“The original residence must be abandoned as a residience by the immediate family.”

“The student’s entire immediate family must make the change of primary residence and take with them the household goods and furniture appropriate for the circumstances.”

“The change of primary residence must be genuine, without fraud or deceit and with permanent intent.”


“A request for transfer eligibility based on a valid change of residence by the student’s entire immediate family must be supported by documentation.”

There you have it, folks. Should be no problem deciding a valid change of residence.

I think it means you can’t live with a fellow student in the attendance area while your family lives in another house. But that’s up to the schools to catch you.

