
Soccer: City Section to create powerful Division I for playoffs

Soccer in the City Section is as good as any section in California, and now teams for the first time will be put into playoff divisions based on competitive equity instead of enrollment.

And that means Division I will be loaded with top teams. In a draft breakdown, 24 teams will be part of Division I for this coming season (pending appeals) with only 16 playoff berths.

It means Canoga Park, which has won four consecutive City Section titles, is moving from Division III to Division I for boys.


In girls, the same rule applies. All the top teams will move to Division I.

Here’s the breakdown pending appeals:

Division I_Arleta; Bell; Belmont; Birmingham; Canoga Park; Chavez; Contreras; El Camino Real; Fairfax; Fremont; Granada Hills; Hollywood; Huntington Park; Locke; Marquez; Monroe; Palisades; RF Kennedy; Roybal; Sotomayor; South East; South Gate; Sylmar; West Adams.

Division II_Animo Bunche; Bernstein; Cleveland; Collins; Dorsey; East Valley; Elizabeth; Foshay; Fulton; Hawkins; JF Kennedy; Manual Arts; Maywood; Mendez; Northridge Academy; Oscar de la Hoya; Panorama; Poly; Reseda; Roosevelt; San Pedro; San Fernando; SOCES; Van Nuys; Vaughn.

Division III_Academia Avance; Animo South LA; Animo Venice; Annenberg; Banning; Bright Star; Camino Nuevo; Carson; Central City; Chatsworth; Community Charter; Garfield; Hamilton; LACES; Lakeview; Legacy; Marshall; Narbonne; North Hollywood; Sun Valley; Taft; Torres; University; Verdugo Hills.


Division IV_Angelou; Bravo; CALS; Crenshaw; Diego Rivera; Dymally; Eagle Rock; Gardena; Grant; Harbor Teacher; Jefferson; Jordan; King Drew; L.A. International; Lincoln; Los Angeles; Middle College; Orthopedic; Rancho Dominguez; Santee; Stern; USC CAE; Venice; Wilson.

Division V_Animo J Robinson; Animo Watts; Aspire Olin; Burton; Discovery Prep; Downtown Magnet; ESAT; Franklin; Gertz-Ressler; Ivy Academia; LAAAE; Neuwirth; New Designs; New Designs Watts; New West; North Valley Military; Port of L.A.; Smidt; Sun Valley Magnet; Triumph; USC Hybrid; VAAS; Valor; Washington; Westchester.

Division I: Angelou; Arleta; Bell; Bernstein; Birmingham; Bravo; Chatsworth; Cleveland; El Camino Real; Fremont; Granada Hills; Hamilton; LACES; Legacy; Marquez; Maywood; Palisades; RF Kennedy; San Pedro; Sotomayor; South East; Taft; University; Verdugo Hills.


Division II: Animo Robinson; Diego Rivera; Elizabeth; Foshay; Fulton; Garfield; Grant; Hollywood; JF Kennedy; Jordan; King Drew; Marshall; Mendez; Narbonne; Northridge Academy; Poly; Port of L.A.; SOCES; Sylmar; VAAS; Van Nuys; Vaughn; Venice; Westchester.

Division III: Academia Avance; Animo Venice; Annenberg; Banning; Bright Star; Carson; Community Charter; Eagle Rock; Harbor Teacher; Jefferson; Lincoln; Middle College; Monroe; New Designs; North Hollywood; Rancho Dominguez; Roosevelt; San Fernando; Santee; South Gate; Torres; Triumph; USC CAE; West Adams.

Division IV: Animo Bunche; Belmont; Camino Nuevo; Canoga Park; Central City; Chavez; Collins; Contreras; Discovery Prep; ESAT; Fairfax; Franklin; Huntington Park; LAAAE; Lakeview; Locke; Los Angeles; Oscar de la Hoya; Panorama; Reseda; Roybal; Stern; Sun Valley; Wilson.

Division V: Animo South LA; Animo Watts; Aspire Olin; Burton; CALS; Crenshaw; Dorsey; Dymally; Franklin; Gardena; Gertz-Ressler; Hawkins; Ivy Academia; Manual Arts; Neuwirth; New Designs Watts; New West; North Valley Military; Orthopaedic; Smidt; Sun Valley Magnet; USC Hybrid; Valor; Washington.

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