
Around Town: Surf Dog Walk of Fame inductee Tillman dies

Tillman, a skateboarding and surfing English bulldog who was inducted in September into the International Surf Dog Walk of Fame in Huntington Beach, died last week at age 10, his owner said.

Tillman set a Guinness world record in 2009 as the fastest skateboarding canine and starred in videos as well as the Hallmark Channel reality TV series “Who Let the Dogs Out.”

Tillman suffered from an irregular heartbeat, and he died Tuesday after having sudden shortness of breath, according to his owner, Ron Davis, 46, of Oxnard. Davis said he rushed Tillman to a veterinary hospital and tried to resuscitate him, but he could not be revived.



Bird photographer’s presentation Thursday at Bolsa Chica center

The Bolsa Chica Conservancy Interpretive Center will host professional photographer Steve Kaye on Thursday as he shares his photos of local birds along with information about them and tips on taking better pictures.

The event will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the center, 3842 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach. Admission is $5 per person.

For reservations or more information, contact Rebecca Fent at (714) 846-1114 or [email protected].



Walk to End Alzheimer’s set for Saturday in Huntington Beach

The Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County will present its Orange County Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday in Huntington Beach to help raise awareness and funds in support of families affected by the disease.

More than 1,000 people are expected to participate in the 2-mile walk, waving flowers of various colors. Yellow represents support or care for someone with Alzheimer’s, blue signifies a personal battle with the disease, purple is in honor a loved one lost to Alzheimer’s and orange symbolizes support for the cause.

An expo will provide information about the disease, available support programs and services, opportunities to enroll in clinical trials and more.


Opening ceremonies will begin at 8:30 a.m. near the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach resort at 21500 Pacific Coast Hwy. (at Beach Boulevard).

To register or for more information, visit and look under “Walk to End Alzheimer’s.”


Fundraiser aims to fight human trafficking

An awareness and fundraising event intended to educate the Asian American community about human trafficking is scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday at OPM Restaurant & Lounge in Huntington Beach.

The public event, called “Season of Change,” will raise money for Community Service Programs and the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force, which fights labor and sex slavery. Speakers will include a survivor of human trafficking.

The restaurant is at 8901 Warner Ave. Tickets to the event are available for $45 at
