
Mailbag: Article about dog tied to cinder block broke hearts

Article about dog tied to cinder block broke hearts

As I began to read that short story I actually cried out in disbelief, as I’m sure many readers did.

I feel appalled, sad and angry. I just read the story on page A4 in the Nov. 12 issue. A large dog found in the ocean, dead, with a cinder block tied to its harness and leash.

Who would, I am searching for the right words, plan and carry out this heinous act against a innocent animal? I’m assuming this individual knew this dog. You could have dropped this dog off at any animal hospital, clinic or animal shelter, or asked a family member or neighbors to help with your situation.


I’m trying not to imagine how terrified that dog must have felt.

Why did you do it? How could you have done it? There is absolutely no justification for your actions.

What kind of person are you? Maybe we know: a coward, a bully, a powerless and sick individual.

Research tells us that if someone is capable of this, they might want to inflict pain and suffering on people as well. We, as neighbors, have to remain vigilant. If we hear an animal in distress, take quick action, investigate and immediately call the police.

If you feel that something is not right, don’t wait or ignore any situation like that, ever. Of course, that applies to people in distress too.

Your quick actions could really help. By becoming involved, you could prevent the pain and suffering that might be inflicted upon our animals by a heartless, powerless, cowardly, individual.

I wish I could have let that dog know it was loved so much and given it a better life.

Linda Peterson



A big improvement for Balboa Island

For years, those of you who walk Balboa Island have probably noticed the mud flat that the “Grand Canal” had become. Well folks, those days are over. If you haven’t noticed, the city dumped about a zillion tons of clean, white sand on the canal beaches, and it looks beautiful. More important, the sea walls are now protected from the coming winter storms.

Three individuals deserve a lot of credit for this wonderful accomplishment: Mayor Ed Selich, Public Works Director Dave Webb and Harbor Resources Manager Chris Miller. Thank you, gentlemen. Your efforts are appreciated.

Mike Buettell

Balboa Island
