
Letters to the Editor: Revamped Times O.C. checks a lot of boxes for reader

This email is shamefully overdue. I am a Los Angeles Times reader who lives behind the Orange Curtain. Obviously, you’ve figured out that some of us are able to read. I think the Times O.C. section is excellent. I always learn something, and I usually find myself saving an article or two each week about something I want to act on.

Last week it was the Silverado Canyon nursery story, and the week prior it was the story about giving out burritos to the homeless to combat hunger. In my opinion, the L.A. Times is one of the top newspapers in our nation, and you have added to the enjoyment and enlightenment I receive from it. Thank you for your stellar efforts in this difficult era for quality journalism.

Beckie Brown

Mission Viejo

405 widening project will help

Re: “400 celebrate groundbreaking for 405 Freeway expansion project”: If the express lanes draw some traffic away from the free lanes, drivers using the latter obviously will benefit as well.


Craig Lesly


How to get published: Email us at [email protected]. All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length.
